Benefits of Wearing Healing Crystal Jewelry

What is Healing Crystal Jewelry? 

Healing Crystals are natural stones that contain healing properties in various ways. As crystals work closely with your energy (also called Chakras), wearing them can help refine your crystalline needs. According to, Crystal Healing is believed to affect an individual in two possible ways: through vibration and through mindset.

Benefits of Wearing Healing Crystal Jewelry

Wearing crystal healing jewelry is beneficial for many different reasons, such as:

Enhance Physical, Emotional, and Mental Well-being 

There are multiple types of Crystals that aid in healing the mind, body and soul. Specific crystals are used to calm anxiety, improve empathetic emotions, transmute negative energy to attract positive energy and enhance physical abilities.  

These types of crystals are:

  1. Rose Quartz: Increases compassion and unconditional love
  2. Clear Quartz: Aids with mental clarity
  3. Amethyst: Assists with maintaining goals 
  4. Lapis Lazuli: Helps one speak their mind with confidence
  5. Pink Calcite: Represents forgiveness, promotes love and kindness

Protecting Oneself From Negativity

There are multiple crystals that are used for clearing away energetic debris and negative energy, which are:

  1. Black Obsidian: Repels negative energy
  2. Clear Quartz: Attracts positive energy
  3. Black Tourmaline: Transmutes negative energy and turns it into positive energy

3. Connecting Oneself to Intuition and Spirit Guides

Our intuition, which is often referred to as the third eye, is often the first thought our conscious receives, when digesting energies. Crystals can be used to amplify intuition ability in order to be more in tune with yourself. Most of these crystals are made to make you more observant, which are:

  1. Labradorite: Encourages one to focus on what's important to them
  2. Blue Lace Agate: Aids with determining substance vs non-substance
  3. Moonstone: Used to empower one to trust themselves
  4. Ametrine: Assists with one to recognize their intuition and strengthen it

Whatever healing process you are looking to achieve, crystals can serve as your go to. If you would like a custom made piece, please feel free to Contact Us. We would love to hear from you.